Thursday, March 10, 2011

Amway Deceptive Recruitment?

One thing I have noticed recently is how many Amway recruiters cannot or will not recruit prospects by telling them the virtues of Amway. It appears that insulting people's jobs or lifestyles is a common recruitment tactic by many IBOs. They try to instill a fear in recruits to make Amway look good.

Common tactics will be falsehoods such as 98% of Americans are dead or broke by age 65. Or they will make up outright lies such as 95% of all small businesses fail in their first year. They talk about the bad economy, or how starting a conventional business is a bad idea because there is some start up capital needed. While a conventionl business does involve some risk, you have a decent chance of succeeding, provided you plan well, and put in the necessary effort.

Planning and putting forth effort doesn't necessarily result in Amway success. As far as I know, there is no evidence that standing order, or functions guarantee any degree of success in Amway. Sure, Amway defenders will state that all of the (few)new diamonds were on the system, but will ignore the thousands if not millions of IBOs who also were on the system, put forth effort, and did not experience a profit.

At functions, one things I remember seeing was the fabulous toys and lifestyles of the diamonds, but there was no mention that these toys and luxuries were made possible by tools income or other sources of income outside of Amway. I understand that AMOs now mention tools income, but do not elaborate as to how you qualify and what the compensation will be if qualified.

It is my informed conclusion that Amway recruiters lie - because they have to. The business is a tough sell because of past unethical IBO behavior, such as tricking someone into attending a recruitment meeting. Factor in the high overall prices of Amway and Amway partner store products and the pyramidal compensation plan and you almost cannot recruit people in the US without some degree of shmoozing and deception.

1 comment:

David said...

Income from the tools, particularly the tapes (oops! CDs) was addressed in different ways while I was in Amway. Sometimes it was a topic in the functions and was discussed in the tapes (oops! CDs). It was always said that the amount of money made from the sale of tools was minimal and was a "royalty income", much like the royalties entertainers receive for copyrighted material. They always tried to make the case that they were entitled to receive these "royalties" because they had done the work to prepare the talks and blah, blah, blah! They also said these "royalties" could not and did not sustain their "diamond lifestyle". This was done so that everyone could rest easy that their upline was not getting rich on tool sales. All the while, no evidence was given to substantiate these claims.